








pagina rivista in data 7 febbraio 2012



IN RED I look for
Alexander, Joan Voices and Echoes: Tales from Colonial Women. 1983. 18 stories
inc. Elizabeth Elliott’s account of TDC. 223pp, illus.
Ansaldo Giovanni Il fiore del ricordo . De Ferrari editore italian language 1995
Antoine Le globe-flotteur 1977
Anon Half Hours in the Far South. 1883. 342pp, illustrated. Fine leather
binding, offered as a prize. Good chapter on TDC and Rev Taylor
Anon Africa Pilot Part II: The West Coast of Africa from Rio to Cape Hangklip, the Islands of Ascension & St Helena, The Tristan da Cunha Group and Gough Island. 1930 8th ed. 390pp, illustrated. Cloth slightly worn on spine. 1963
Babcock William H. legendary islands of the atlantic 1922

Baird D E et al




The Biological Report of the Royal Society Expedition to Tristan da
Cunha 1962. 1965. 177pp, illustrated, card covers with some minor
sellotape repair. Bookplate on title page.
204. Bailey, Leslie ravellers Tales: The Famous BBC Series. 1947. A fascinating
selection of interviews including one with Rose Rogers, also St
Helena. 306pp, illustrated. Torn & worn DJ.
Barrow, K M "Three years in Tristan da Cunha" S keffington & Sons, London. 1910
Barrow, K M "Three years in Tristan da Cunha" The Echo Library 2005
Bazin, Herve Tristan a Novel. 1970. UK ed.315pp with folding map. Rather battered ex lib edition missing f.e.p. with library stamps but with DJ. 1970
Beintema, A Het waterhoentje van Tristan da Cunha. 1997. 496pp, illustrated
softback, in Dutch. Dedicated by author to Patrick Helyer with an
English synopsis pasted in, plus photos and other ephemera relating
to clerics or the author. Some biro annotations.
207. Bester, M N Population trends of Subantartic fur seals and southern elephant
seals at Gough Island. 4pp offprint + 2 other offprints on sub-
Antarctic / Gough island fur seals
Booy, D.M. Rock of Exile: A Narrative of Tristan da Cunha. 1957. 196pp, illustrated.  Nice copy in sl. chipped DJ. 1957
Brander, J Tristan da Cunha 1506-1902. 1940.  336 pp, maps, illus. VG no DJ. 1940
Bullen, Frank The Cruise of the Cachalot: Round the World After Sperm Whales. The story of the Desdemona which called at TDC in 1870. 1899 ed.  379pp, illus. Sl loose boards otherwise VG... 1899
Buxton, Edmund Island Chaplain: Tristan da Cunha 1975-1978. George Mann, 2001.  96pp, illustrated softback. 2001
Campbell, Lord G Log Letters From the Challenger. 1876.  1st ed.  448pp, folding coloured map. An unscientific account.  Spine and boards stained, contents tight and clean.  1877
Campbell, Roy Adamastor. 1930. Collection of poems by S.A. poet inc.  “Tristan da Cunha”- “You hissed a great cinder from the ocean.”  108pp. No DJ. 1930
Cavicchioni A.C. Dalla somalia italiana all'isola di sant'elena RISTAMPA ANASTATICA 20017
211. Chamberlain,
Yvonne M

Marine Algae of Gough Island. Bulletin of the British Museum
(Natural History). May 1965. 57pp + illustrations. Card covers.
China W.E. Hemiptera of Tristan da Cunha 1958
Colloredo, Sabina La voce dell' isola . Narr, pag 258 Nord Edizioni 2006
Cooper, J and Ryan, P  "Management Plan for the Gough Island Wildlife Reserve" (Government of Tristan da Cunha/WWF) 1994
Cooper Gordon Isles of romance and mistery 1949
214. Cooper J &
Fraser M

Bird ringing at the Tristan da Cunha Islands 1982-1985. 3pp
offprint article and P D Morant Bird Ringing at Tristan da Cunha and
Gough Islands 1937-1977. 4pp offprint both from S.Af J Ant Res.
Crabb, George The History and Postal History of Tristan da Cunha.1980. Vast detail. Profusely illustrated. 347pp. A4 ringbound. (Day 703). 1980

Ringbound .
Crawford, A B Memoirs: North, South, East & West. George Mann 2006.
Illustrated autobiography covering his involvement with TDC and
career in SA as a meteorologist including Marion island. Softback.



Crawford, A B "I went to Tristan". Hodder & Stoughton, London. 1941
Crawford, A B "Tristan da Cunha and the Roaring Forties" 1982
Crawford, A B Wartime invasion 2004
Crawford, A B Penguins, Potatoes and Postage Stamps. Nelson 2000. Chronicle of a lifetime with the stamps, history and people of TDC. 160pp, illus. 2000
Crawford, A B Tristan da Cunha: Glimpses into past History.  2003.  14pp illustrated booklet which in part contains the colour section from No 358 above.  Sold in aid of the islander's pension fund. 2003
Report 12 - Sivertsen, Fishes of TDC. 44pp. Illus., paper covers
Report 16 - Dons, On Some Marine Sedentary Protozoans from TDC.  16pp. Illus., paper covers.

Report 18 - Cleve-Euler, Litoral Diatoms from TDC.  30pp. Illus (loose) paper covers.
Report 19 - Stephensen, The Amphipoda of TDC.  61pp. Illus.
Report 33 - Stock, Pycogonida of TDC.  13pp. Illus., paper covers.
Report 39 - Lawrence, Chilopoda of TDC.  13pp. Illus.

Report 53 - Ascidians from the Tristan da Cunha Group of Islands by R H Millar.  13pp, illus.
Report 9 - Baardseth, The Marine Algae of TDC.  174pp, illus.
Reports 34-35 - Lambers, Amphididae and Beier, Pseudoscorpione (latter in German). 10pp.  Illus., paper covers.
Cristophersen Erling Christophersen, Erling. Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan Da Cunha 1937-1938. Oslo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, 1946. 1st Complete Edition. Very good. Two volumes Octavo, uncut. Plates from photos, and illustrations in text from photos and drawings Original wrappers; edges slightly ragged. Rare. 600.00 Not in Spence. Scientific results from the natural science expedition to Tritan da Cunha in 1937-38 carried out by team of 12 scientists, doctors, and assistants under the leadership of the botanist Erling Christophersen. 1946
Vedi anche " Result of the norvegian Scinetific expedition in fascicoli alla voce " Giornali e Rapporti"
Cristophersen, E "Tristan da Cunha, the lonely isle" Cassell, Londoncr 1940
Cristophersen, E Tristan da Cunha die einsamste insel der welt 1940
Cristophersen Erling TDC Lander meereund gestirne tdc aus dem reise und forschungsbericht 1946
Cristophersen Erling Tristan da Cunha: Den Ensomme Oy. 1938. The Norwegian (first ed) No DJ. 204pp, illus. Contains 49 photos (only 24 in English ed) plus 28 small woodcuts at each chapter head also not in English ed. 1938
Cross, Tony St.Helena including Ascension island and TDC 194 pag David&Charles ed. 1980
Crosson, Rob Return to the Last Outpost. Telegraph Magazine Nov 06. 7pp
illustrated article in complete issue of magazine.
Crovari Jose' TDC L'isola delle aragoste 1990
Cuthbert, R J et

Five articles on Tristan seabirds all as offprints from Waterbirds,
Marine Ornithology, Emu, Biological cons, The Condor. c 2003.
De Boer jelle volcaoes in human History 2002
De la Croix Mysteries of the Island 1960
Destone Expedition Denstone Expedition to Tristan da Cunha. Denstone College, 1993 account of 1993 exp. 32pp illustrated booklet.  (Day 125) 1993
Droonberg Emil Sudlich von Tdc 2009
Du Baty Captain Raymond Rallier 15.000 miles in a ketch .8 ill. 348pp first Thomas nelson & sons.. London


Earle, A Narrative of a Residence in New Zealand. Journal of a Residence in Tristan da Cunha.  1966 reprint. Intro E McCormick. 270pp, illus oxford edition 1966
Edinburgh,  Duke of Birds from Britannia. 1962. 1956 & 1959 world tours. Mainly S. Atlantic - Deception, Gough, TDC, St H. 62pp, map/ photos. 1962
223. Ely, Ben-Ezra

“There She Blows” Narrative of a Whaling Voyage in the Indian
and South Atlantic Oceans. 1971. 208pp, illustrated. With a
chapter on TDC from the eyes of a whaler.
Elton Charles S. The ecology of invasions by animals and plants 2000
Faustini Arnaldo The annals of Trista da Cunha ( reprint by marco serra tarantola 2009) 2009
Fairbrother, E H "Tristan da Cunha: Original documents illustrating its history and that of its flag" 1933
Falke-Ronne, A Back to Tristan. 1967.  149pp, illustrated.  Small loss to D/J. 1967
Ferrari Marco I sogni di Tristan - Sellerio Palermo . Italian language il mare 8 1994
Ferrari Marco I sogni di Tristan - Sellerio Palermo . Italian language memoria 431 1999
Fezzardi Il Medaglione di Tristan da Cunha 2008
226. Fraser, MW et al

A) The Seabirds of Inaccessible Island, South Atlantic Ocean. (Mar
1988). B) Observations of the Inaccessible Rail (1992). C) The Sea-
Birds of Gough Island by M Swales (1965). 27pp + 9pp + 25pp.
Freuchen's Peter Book of the Seven Seas. 1958. 512pp, illus. Packed with
information and stories about islands including TDC.
Fogle Ben the teatime island adventures in Britain's faraway outposts.
Fuller Capt.Joseph j. Master of desolation 1980
Gane, D M Tristan da Cunha an empire outpost and its keepers with glimpes of its. Allen &Unwin, London 1932
Gane, D M "Tristan: a lonely island and its place in history" 1922
Ringbound .
Gane, D.M. Early records of TdC from united empire 1933
Ringbound .
Gane, D M Handbook of Tristan da cunha British Empire Exhibition 1924
Ringbound .
Gane, D M Handbook of Tristan da cunha ( FOTOCOPIA ) 1922
228. Gass, I G The Royal Society’s Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 1962. In full
edition of Geog Journal Sept 1963. 7 pages + photos.
229. Geog, Journal Reviews of Cristophersen’s Tristan da Cunha the Lonely Isle and
Brander’s Tristan da Cunha in complete issues of GJ Nov 1940 +
review of the Norwegian Exp Reports in Scot Geog Mag Dec 1948.
Glass Conrad Rockhopper Copper 2005
Glass, James &
Green, Anne
A Short Guide to Tristan da Cunha. 2003. 12pp colour booklet
produced by islanders.
Good words

in quattro vlumi rilegati in pelle



nei vol 70 71 Penance

Green, Lawrence Almost Forgotten Never Told. 1965. The Cape coast and its connections with chap on TDC, St H refs etc. 292pp, illus. No D/J 1965
Green, Lawrence Where men still dream Howard Jimming 280 pag ill 1950
Green, Lawrence Eight Bells at Salamander. 1960. Seafaring stories with good
accounts of TDC and Gough. 271pp, illustrated. Author signed.
Green, Lawrence When the journey's over- timmis howard cape town 1972
230. Greene, W B A Private Journal of the Proceedings of a Party of Men Employed
on the Island of Tristan d’Acunha Commencing 14th August 1816
and Ending 27th November 1816. 89pp copied corrected typescript
bound into cards. Original in National Maritime Museum but a few of
these copies exist.
Greig, A M Fate of the Blenden Hall East Indiaman.  Red leather bound photocopy produced in facsimile format of 1847 ed.  210pp, pages rather sticky.   1847
Groves, Eric W Vascular Plant Collections from the Tristan da Cunha Group of Islands. 1981.  Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Botany Series Vol 8 No4 pp 333-420. In card covers.  Maps, illus. inc. a very interesting history of plant collecting on the islands. 1981



Hanel C, Chown
S, Gaston K J
Gough Island A Natural History. Sun Press 2005. Account of the
island and its history. 170pp, A4 landscape format with colour cover
and numerous colour illus, maps and pictures of historical interest.
Hardy, Sir
Great Waters. 1967. 542pp, illustrated. The Discovery expedition
1923-28. Very good coverage of TDC and Gough. Blue cloth
Harris, Urch Tristan da cuhna the urch harris commonweatlth catalogue of queen elizabeth II Postage stamps  Quaderno 1981
Harwood, David Alert to Danger. 1969. Nine rescue stories inc TDC after the eruption. 150pp, illus. 1969
Helyer, P and Swales, M Bibliography of Tristan da Cunha.  Nelson 1998.  Attempted list of everything written on TDC.  10 years to compile. 175pp, softback. 1998
Holdgate, M Mountains in the Sea: The Story of the Gough Island Expedition. 1958. Nice copy.  222pp, illustrated with folding map.  1958
236. Holdgate, M W
& Wace N M

The Influence of Man on the Floras and Faunas of Southern
Oceans. Polar Record. May 1961. 188pp article in complete edition.
Astonishing Island: Being a Veracious Record of the Experiences
Undergone by Robinson Lippingtree Mackintosh from Tristan da
Cunha….. 1933. 184pp, illus. No DJ, bookplate
Hosegood, Nancy The Glass Island. 1964. Before and after the volcano. Fiction blended with fact. 192pp, 14 illustrations. (Day 474). 1964
239. Hosegood,

Corporal Glass’s Island: the Story of Tristan da Cunha. 1966. The
US edition of the above. 192pp, illustrated.
King Dean Harbors and high seas 2000
A Dutchman on Tristan da Cunha: the Quest for Peter Green
George Mann 2007. Originally published in Dutch, the author from
Green’s home town of Katvik travelled from Cape Town to discover
the history of “Tristan’s grand old man”. 232pp, colour illustrations
Jenkins, Geoffrey A Grue of Ice. 1962. Adventure novel based on Tristan, Bouvet and mythical Thompson Island. 320pp. 1962
Julsing, Fred William Wish, Mais ouest donc Tristan Da Cuha , Fumetto 46 pag Edition du tritonParis 1980
La Ferla & Green P Tristan da Cunha Big Book. 1996. A listing of the families and ancestors of the population of TDC. 110pp, ringbound. 1996
Ringbound .
Lajolo A and Lombardi G

L'isola in capo al mondo - A diary in TdC . Nuova Eri-Rai Italian

Lajolo A and Lombardi G Tristan Da Cunha : i confini dell' asma Zeneca pharmacy editor 1996
Lajolo A and Lombardi G Tristan da Cunha the Legendary Island.   M.Marinaro 1999.  Text English/Italian.  149pp. High quality colour photos. Softback.  1999
Lajolo A and Lombardi G. Le lettere di Tristan. Ed. Le mani 2006 , pag 118 2006
Linklater, Eric The Voyage of the Challenger. 1972. Chap+9 illus on Inaccessible/ TDC+ Stoltenhoff rescue. 288pp, illus. softback. 1972
Lockhart, J G Blenden Hall: the True Story of a Shipwreck, a Casting Away and
Life on a Desert Island.1930. 232pp, illus. Chipped protected DJ,
bookplate and inscription on fep. Few pages with sl. foxing. VG
Lowe Robson collezioni filateliche aste raccolta specializzata TDC 1984
Mc Pherson Britain's Treasure islands 2017
Mackay, Margaret Angry Island: The Story of Tristan da Cunha (1506-1963). 1963. 288pp, illustrated. Author signed, chipped DJ. 1963
Mainwaring, Marcus Nor Any Drop to Drink: England to Australia May 87-Jan 1988. 1988.  Recreating the convict fleet with account of TDC. 281pp, illus. 1988
Marineria Grottammarese leggenda e Coraggio della Marineria Grottammarese 1998
Mariotti Annamaria Tristan da cuhna Storia e vicissitudini della piu remota comunita umana 2013
Marr, Scout Into the Frozen South: Scout marr of The Quest Expedition. 1923. 246pp, 29 illus.  1924
Marsh, John H No Pathway Here.  1948. 200pp, illus.  The establishment of the Marion island met station with the help of Tristanians. No DJ 1948
Marshall, E "The King of Tristan da Cunha: a forgotten monarch" (Jonathan Lambert) 1905
Marshall, E Report on a visit to Tristan (Surgeon of RRS 'Discovery') 1926
Matevosyan Naira Tristan da Cunha 2017
Milner, Rev John and Brierly, Oswald W The Cruise of HMS Galatea Captain HRH Duke of Edinburgh 1867-1868. 1869.  487pp, illus with colour plates inc settlement of TDC.  1869
Ming Wu Cantalamappa 2015
Monthly Magazine Nov 1 1820 Account of the Islands of Tristan da Cunha .. lately settled by an Adventurer from America and Interesting Accounts of Pitcairn's Island- Captain Henderson's Narrative and Narrative of a Tahitian Woman.  Two early accounts contained in same complete edition (disbound from larger vol).  Apprx A5, TDC 4pp and Pitcairn 3.5pp.
Unpackaged Tours: World Travels Off the Beaten Track. 1988.
392pp. With a first hand account of Tristanians at Calshot and their
return to the Island.
Moseley, H N Notes by a Naturalist Made During the Voyage of HMS Challenger. 1944 ed.  544pp, illus. no DJ. 1944
Munch, Peter Crisis in Utopia. 1971. Effects of the evacuation on the community. 324pp, 28 photos.  1971
Munch, Peter The Song Tradition of Tristan da Cunha. 1970. 176pp Illus softback. V. sl sharp object damage to first few pp. Spine sl torn.  1970
Munch Snyder, Cathrine Glimpsing Utopia: Tristan da Cunha 1937-38, a Norwegian’s
Diary. George Mann 2008. P A Munch’s diary frankly written as a
member of the Norwegian Expedition, translated and edited by his
daughter. An interesting insight into missionary ruled Tristan.



Museo marinaro Velieri di Camogli 1981
Museo marinaro Quaderni del Museo Marinaro "Gio Bono Ferrari" di Camogli vol 1-2-3-4 1986
Museo marinaro Quaderni del Museo Marinaro "Gio Bono Ferrari" di Camogli vol 5-6 1988
Nilsson Rob From a refuge of Tristan da cunha 2007
Osmond Edward People of lonely islands 1965
Ott. Russell e. Postal history of soviet antartic activities 1955-1977 1980
Perry,Roger Island Days - Stacey int.310pag some photo 2004
Picetti Giuseppina Milleottocento miglia a sud di sant'elena 2017
Pirie Harvey J.H.

A stamp collecting handbook

Antartic Posts

box rosso
Rehbock Philip F. At sea with the scientifics. The Challeger Letters of Joseph Matkin 1922
Ridgway, J When We Sailed Away: A Family Adventure. 1996. Calls at TDC, Falklands, S Georgia.  336pp illus.  1996
Ryan Peter Field guide to the animals and plants of TDC and Gough Island 2007
Rogers, Rose The Lonely Island. 1926. 1st ed. 223pp, 28 photos. (Day 112). Sl foxing, inscriptions and two small newspaper articles on fep. 1926
Schlansky Judith Taschen Atlas de abgelegenen inseln 2009
Schlansky Judith Atlante delle isole remote , 50 isole dove non sono mai stata e mai andrò 2013
Schilder, Gunter Voyage to the Great South Land: Willem de Vlamingh 1696-1697. 1985.  Pub. Royal Australian Historical Society 1985 from Dutch translation. Contains detailed illustrated account from original of de Vlamingh's early exploration of TDC and also Amsterdam and St Paul islands.  259pp, illustrated. Near mint. 1985
Schreier, D & Lavarello-Schreier, K Tristan da Cunha and the Tristanians 2011
Located in mid-Atlantic, Tristan da Cunha is the world's most isolated inhabited island. This book tells you how to get there and what it offers visitors. It also covers its history, wildlife, the lives of its inhabitants and their unique variety of English. More than 80 illustrations.
Schreier, D & Lavarello-Schreier, K Tristan da Cunha, History, People, Language. Battlebridge 2003.  A layman's guide to the island, the community and its dialect. 88p, illustrated. 2003
his highly insightful book takes a comprehensive look at the most remote inhabited island in the world. Located in the South Atlantic Ocean, the island lies midway between Brazil and South Africa. Included are descriptions of the history of the island since its discovery in 1506, the community that lives there today and their way of life, and the special kind of English they speak, including a glossary of local terms. Over 50 black and white photographs illustrate views of the island, its unique wildlife, its inhabitants, and their diverse activities.
Schreier, Daniel Isolation and Language Change: Contemporary and Sociohistorical Evidence from Tristan da Cunha English.  Palgrave 2003.  An academic study of the Tristan dialect. 237pp. 2003
Schrott Roul Tristan da cunha romanzo in tedesco 715pag 2003
Seligman, Adrian The Voyage of the Cap Pilar. 1947 ed. Includes 4 day mail stop at TDC (2 chaps). (Day 119) 320pp, 11 illus, 13 maps.  No DJ. 1993
Skwara Erich Wolfgang L'ile de tristan . novel Ed.Albin Michel pag.235 1996
Smith, Rozell C

The Ships of Tristan da Cunha

: A Listing 1506-1991. 1992.  48pp, List of all shipping calls.

vol 1

Smith, Rozell C

The Ships of Tristan da Cunha:

A Listing 1506-1991. 1992.  48pp, List of all shipping calls.

vol 2

Spry, W J The Cruise of HMS Challenger. 1876. 1st ed.  388pp, folding map, illus. Front board sl. loose and wear to spine hinges.  Gilt lettering a image of Challenger on green cloth.   1876
StHelena Ascension&TDC Philatelic Society InC St. Helena, Ascension and TDC Philatelic society's 20th anniver. antthology 1997
Stableford H.G, Visit to TdC from 8th sept to 3 oct Confidential 1962
Stanley Gibbons All World Featuring the “Edinburgh” Collection of Tristan da Cunha.  1987.  Auction catalogue for the Boetie Davidson collection 1987
Stanley Gibbons Tristan da Cunha: The Jack Cole Collection. Auction catalogue 30.10.1998. 90pp with prices realised. 1998
Steiner Sue St.Helena, Ascension Tristan da Cunha -Bradt travel guide 2002
Steiner Sue St.Helena, Ascension Tristan da Cunha -Bradt travel guide 2007
Taylor, Rev.William F. The utmost parts of the earth some account of the settlement Tristan d'Acunha fotocopie del volume del 1856 1999
Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 1 1939-1942.

Private 2001. Reports, letters, postal hist. Ringbound A4 softback.102pp, clr illus.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 2 1943-1946.

Private 2002.  Reports, letters and postal history. The story of HMS Atlantic Isle plus more.  Ringbound A4 softback.  120pp, colour illustrated.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 3 S.P.G 1930-1973.

Hurricane Relief Special Limited Edition of 100.  Reproduction of all SPG newsletters with colour illus. 134pp, Ringbound A4 softback.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -Vol 4


Private 2002. Special Limited Edition of 100. Illus. 114pp, Ringbound A4 softback.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 5 1948

"Venture Survey". Private 2003. Special Limited Edition of 100. Illus. 112pp, Ringbound A4 softback.  Covers the lobster survey.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

-Vol 6 Jan 1950-Dec1951. 

2003.  Special Limited Edition of 100. Illus. 132pp, Ringbound A4 softback.

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 7 1952 

copia numero 51

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 8 1953-1954

copia numero 051

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

-Vol 9 1955-1956

copia numero 81

Ringbound. 2 copie
Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph -

Vol 10 1957-1958

copia numero 28

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 11 1958-1960.

Fishing, nuclear explosions, administration.

copia numero 34

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 12 1960-1961.

Stamps, fishing and the prelude to the eruption.

copia numero 34

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 13 1961

Evacuation. 113pp.

copia numero 51

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 14 1962.

Royal Society Expedition 100pp

copia numero 36

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 15 1963.

Re-Settlement of Tristan da Cunha. 104pp.

copia numero 81

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

vol 16 1964-1974

copia n.77

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph

Vol 17 1934-1940

Rev.harold wilde and the Norvegian expedition 101pag

copia numero 18

Taylor, Robin

Tristan da Cunha Monograph


Destination Tristan da Cunha. A listing of ships’ visits between 1901-2008

copia numero 21

Thomson, Sir Wyville

The Voyage of the Challenger:

The Atlantic.  1877. 

2 vol contains the detailed account of TDC with chart and illus (1 plte TDC + 2 Inaccessible).  Plus Ascension, the Falklands. 396pp, folding maps and plans. 

Townsend, J R "The Islanders" and "The Invaders" (Fiction) 1993

Tristan da Cunha Association

Grundy, Richard

Commemorative Publication to Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of
Tristan da Cunha. TDC Assoc. 2006. 31pp, colour illus. A4 booklet.
Covers history, the island to-day and the quincentenary.
van Ryssen, W J "The Birds of the Tristan da Cunha Group and Gough Island" 1976
Veronesi Fabrizio Barco de fero Vallecchi 2005
Watt c.c. Rev

In Mid Atlantic

Libro appartenuto a Harold wilde Chaplani in Tristan da cunha

Watt Duncan Trouble in Tristan ( narrative) 1991
White John A voyage to cochin china ( reprint by marco Serra tarantola 2009) 1824
Wilson, Robert RMS St Helena and the south atlantic Islands -Whittles Pub.136 pag. Ill. 2006
Winchester Simon Atlantic 2011
Winchester Simon Outposts journeys to the surviving relics of the British Empire 2003
Woolley, John Deliver Me From Safety. Wilton 65,1994. Personal view of 1982 Denstone exp. to Inaccessible. Softback. 206pp illus. 1994
Zetterstein, Arne The English of Tristan da Cunha. 1969.  Lund Studies in English 37.  170pp, card covers as published.  Mint copy, pages uncut. 1969
Zinnie Harris Further than the furthest thing ( opera Teatrale ) 2000



Ed 1 OS 1971. Update of 1962 ed.  60 x 61 cm. black and white.
Small format sheet. Ed 2, OS 1972. Coloured. (Day 166)
Tristan da Cunha  Sketch Map 1:30.000  ( 60x60 cm ) 1997


Set of 4 TDC birds – Antarctic tern, Mollies, Sooty albatross (Gough Is), Tristan thrush.
Svensson , Roland Longboat off Nightingale island 1974
Svensson , Roland Preparing to sail from Nightingale 1974
Svensson , Roland Longboat bound for Nightingale ff 1974
5 views by Lombardi/Jacobsz featuring 2 x settlement, 2 sea views, Peak crater.
2 cards by Jimmy Glass.  Albatross on Nightingale, Rockhoppers on Gough
Cruising By Beryl Cook. An amusing card featuring Cook's ladies on board in hottub with Tristan shaped island erupting in background.
American Society

10th of lindblad tourist expeditions in antartica


box rosso
The Field 23 maggio del 1942 1942
Busta Marrone

National Geographic

Tristan Isle of Contentment, Nov 1938, WR Foran. 24p/23 illus. (Day 117). 1938
National Geographic New Life for Loneliest Isle, Jan 1950, L.Lewis, 12pp & 15 illus. (Day 609). 1950
National Geographic Return to Lonely Tristan, Jan 1964, J.P.Blair, 22pp & 29 illus. (Day 473) 1964
National Geographic Death of an Island, May 1962, P.J.F.Wheeler, 20pp & 17 illus. (Day 472) 1962

The Polar Record

The polar record vol 11 , n. 72 on pag 292 eruption TDC 1962
The Royal Society’s Expedition to Tristan da Cunha. Sept 1963. I. Gass. 8pp, illus. 1963
Focus L' isola piu isola che ci sia TdC --Adrian Schmidt 2000
box rosso
McKinley Ashley The south Pole Picture Book 1934
box rosso
Islands Islands -Tristan da cunha Miles from nowhere Ted Botha 2000
box rosso
Geographia revue d' information et actualites georaghiques n.32 maggio 1954 1954
The Leisure Hour vol 1140-1141 del 1/11/1873 1873
in box 2
The Leisure Hour vol 1336-del 4/08/1877


in box2
The Listener 16-01-1969 1969
box rosso
La revue Maritime Revue maritime 73 1952

box rosso


Le vie del mondo
anno XI numero 5
World of wonder

4 settembre 1971

Yet still they returned to tristan pag 24

box rosso
Sunday Times Magazine november 8,1981 1981
Windsor Magazine The christmas windsor enlarged 1937
box rosso


journal universel

giornale francese 1927
Busta marrone
American Society of polar Philatelists
American Society of polar Philatelists
Ice cap news vol 19 dal gen feb 1974 a nov-dec 1974+indice 1974
American Society of polar Philatelists

Ice cap news vol 24 n.6 whole n.138 nov-dic 1979

sail traffic on tdc




Polar Post
Nauton D.B Polar post , journal of the polar postal history society of great britain   n.56 1964
Nauton D.B Polar post , journal of the polar postal history society of great britain   n.57 1964

South Atlantic Chronicle

StHelena Ascension&TDC Philatelic Society InC

vecchia serie 1-2-4 1978
vecchia serie 1 1979
vecchia serie 1-4 1980
nuova serie 4-3 1991
2-4 1992
2-3-4 1993
1-2-3 1994
4-3 1995
4 1996
1-2-3-4 1997
1-2-3-4 1998
1-2-4 1999
1-2-3-4 2000
1-2-3 2001
1-2-3 2002
2 2003
1-4 2004
2-3 2006
1-2-3-4 2007
1-2-3-4 2008
1-2-3- 2009
St.Helena Colonial report
StHelena Colonial report St.Helena 1954-1955 1955
StHelena Colonial report St.Helena 1956-1957 1957
United society for propagation of the gospel 
United society for propagation of the gospel 

Tristan da cunha Newsletter n. 21 


United society for propagation of the gospel  Tristan da cunha Newsletter n. 22 1967
United society for propagation of the gospel  Tristan da cunha Newsletter n. 23  1973
Blackwood's magazine Tdc account by Johnathan Lambert 1818


box1 ( 2 copie)

Carmichael, Capt D

Description of the Island of Tristan da Cunha. Dec 1817. Typescript from original in Linnean Library. 28pp. (Day 266).




Stableford H.G, Visit to TdC from 8th sept to 3 oct Confidential 1962



Boarding Book

Boarding book TDC 1965 dal 1904 al 1929


fogli sparsi



Cape Monthly The wreck of the Blendenhall at Tdc 1857




Cape Monthly Two years on inaccessible 1973




Piccolo mondo antico TDC

Storia di tdc con pagine di pprodo all' isola e incontro coi Tristani





AAVV Cape of Good Hope corrispondence relating to the island of TDC to prime minister departement 1903




AAVV Visit of H:M:S: Dublin to the island of TDC 1923


Box 1

AAVV Cape of Good Hope corrispondence relating to the island of TDC to prime minister departement 1903




Pirie Harvey J.H.

A stamp collecting handbook

Antartic Posts


box 1



Fares & sailings 1999/2000

Busta contenente tutte le brossureper il viaggio per TDC della rms St Helena

BUSTA in box rosso

Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedion to TRISTAN DA CUNHA


Dons Carlos On some marine sedentary n.16
box 3
Brinkmann August Jr A newland nemertean from the tdc n.15
box 3
Thomsen Selma Dental Morphology and occlusion in the n.25
Box 3
Frey Richard Diptera Brachycera und sciaridae n. 26
Box 3
Day J.H. The Polychaeta of TDC N.29
Box 3
Jordan H.E.Karl Siphonaptera scale insect diplodoma n.30-32
Box 3
Stock J.H. Pycnogonida n.33
Box 3
Lawrence R.F. Chilopoda of TDC n.39
Box 3
China W.E. Hemiptera of TDC n.43
Box 3
Pearman Psocoptera n.45
Box 3
Vigeland Bryozoa of TDC n.44
Box 3
Morison Thysanoptera of TDC n.47
Box 3
Hill J.E. rats and mice from the islands TDC n.46
Box 3
Dixon H.N. Mosses of TDC n.48
Box 3
Christophersen Flowering plants of TDC n.55
Box 3
Hooper S.S. Cyperaceae n.54
Box 3
Millar R.H. Ascidians from TDC n.53
Box 3
Wiborg K.F. Marine Copepods of TDC n.51
Box 3
Soot-Ryen Pelecypods from TDC n.49
Box 3
Tdc Association Newsletter
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 1 sep 1987 1987
Box 3
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 5 sep 1989 1989
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 6 march 1990 1990
Box 3
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 7 sep 1990 1990
Box 3
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 8 sep 1991 1991
Box 3
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 9 sep 1991 1991
Box 3
Tdc Association Tdc Newsletter n. 10 march 1992 1992
Box 3
The Tristan Times
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n.15 12/6/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 16 19/6/43 1943
box rosso
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 17 26/6/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 18 3/07/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 19 10/07/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 20 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 21 24/07/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 22 31/07/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 23 7/08/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 24 14/08/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 25 21/08/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 26 28/08/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 27 4/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 28 11/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 29 18/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 31 25/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 32 25/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 33 25/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 34 25/09/43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 02 6-10-43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 01 30-10-43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 03 13-11-43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 04 20-11-43 1943
box rosso
Tristan Times The Tristan Times n. 05 27-11-43 1943
box rosso




Nautical Magazine Visit by h.m.s opal in 1885 1885



Nautical Magazine Tristan da cunha 1901 1901
Nautical Magazine visit by H:M:S Cyclops in 1857 1862


Ringbound. 2 copie


Nautical Magazine visit by H:M:S Cyclops in 1857 1862




Nautical Magazine visit by HMS Frolic in 1852 1856




Nautical Magazine Accounts of Tristan da Cunha 1832-1836



Nautical Magazine visit by HMS Herald in 1852 1853



Nautical Magazine visit by HMS Herald in 1852 1853




Documenti e varie

921 Tristan Da Cunha Betsy Cotton Bullock

Fattura da poste TDC
Pubblicità per andarci a vivere
Estratto Natural Phenomena

Estratto da NG

Death of an Island, May 1962, P.J.F.Wheeler, 20pp & 17 illus. (Day 472)

Estratto New Life for Loneliest
New Life for Loneliest Isle, Jan 1950, L.Lewis, 12pp & 15 illus. (Day 609).
Estratto Tristan Isle of Contentment,
Tristan Isle of Contentment, Nov 1938, WR Foran. 24p/23 illus. (Day 117).
Raccolta 1960
Locandina Presentazione libro Barco de fero
Fotografie Varie fotografie ingrandimento timbro postale
Assegno Assegno di Bullocka Crawford
Biglietto Biglietto auguri Natale
Buste Varie dbuste di Bullock
Buste Varie buste di Chinapps
Carta da lettera Foglio e busta intestate di TDC
Biglietto Biglietto auguri da TDC
Fattura Fattura delle poste di Tdc
Fotografia Foto di TDC
Articolo Internet arriva a TDC
Invito Invito alla presentazionedi un libro
Cartolina Cartolina Postale Air
Lettera Lettera di Bullock
Lettera Lettera di Crawford
Lettera Lettera di un "seguace" italiano
cartoline Caroline dal radioamatore di TDC


Anon Hurricane on Tristan 21.5.2001. Amateur video. About 0.5hr.
anon Gough island 1956 46 minutes
Crawford, A Bouvet Island. 1955. Colour taken by Alan Crawford during visit of H.M.S.A.S Transvaal. 16 mins. Silent with captions.
Crawford, A 1948 Marion island expedition tristan islanders
Frater C Allan Crawford’s Tristan da Cunha.  2001. Filmed mainly during the War with Crawford’s commentary added. 80 mins.
Frater C. The Tragedy of Tristan da Cunha. 1961 film clips of the eruption. Approx 15 mins.
Kraus Gisela Gnther Benze RMS St.Helena a south Atlantic Vojage
Homenway Tristan da cunha No place like home or No hidding place
Lombardi G and Lajolo A Tristan da Cunha 1955-56.  SPG film made during the Gough Island Expedition.  Colour 23 mins.
SPG Tristan da Cunha 1955-56.  SPG film made during the Gough Island Expedition.  Colour 23 mins.
Stump Hans georg Tristan da Cunha RMS St. Helena  In tedesco 
crawford allan 1:63,360 (approx) Tristan da Cunha from the survey by Allan Crawford 1937-38. Produced in aid of the Svensson Island Fund. Suitable for framing (28 cm x 28 cm). Signed by author.Carta firmata da allan Crawford 1917

Tristan d'acunha

pagina 26 sul lato dx basso

dal volume "sea"



petterman geographische mittheilungen die insel tristan da cunha capt. Denham 1852
tdc 28 Tristan da cunha 28published by directorate of colonial surveys d.c.s 978 1955
Taylor T. Tristao da cunha - view taken on the north coast 1800
Good words

pag 721 di good words

Sconosciuta Piccola formato 15x8 sconosciuta
Le Plus grande des Isles de Tristan d'acunha pl VI grave par Tardieu laine'
sud_africa 1831 Atlas in 64 Karten n.x Sconosciuta

Sketch Map

Tdc 1:30,000

Carta Geografica
west africa pag 98 fig 39 scala 1:200.000 sconosciuta
Mrs and miss Lavarello
Chiesa cattolica
Vista di Edimburgh con barche
Vista di Edimburgh dal mare
Arrivo a Tdc
Barche sul prato
Vista di Edimburgh
Large Photo of R.M.S. Queen Eisabeth II with stamps and timbro
si trova nella busta della collezione stampe